Home Recent Blood Donor's About Us

Who Are We?

We maintain a regular supply of all blood types to ensure the right blood is available to everyone who needs it. We need enough of the right types of blood to meet day-to-day patient needs and to cope with emergencies.

To do this we consider:

•the characteristics of different blood types

•the need for rare blood types

•the growing demand for closely-matched blood

•how long blood lasts

Why Should We Donate And What Is The Impact?

•Reduce harmful iron stores. According to the Mayo Clinic, one in every 200 people in the U.S. is affected by a condition called
hemochromatosis that causes an iron overload. ...

•Preserve cardiovascular health. ...

• Reduce the risk cancer. ...

•Burn calories. ...

•Free blood analysis. ...

•Give you a sense of pride.